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Thread: Sound disappearance in Brave browser

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2024

    Sound disappearance in Brave browser

    I quite recently transitioned from Windows to Linux and Ubuntu specifically (yay me), because microsoft.
    Anyway, had lots of troubleshooting and solved numerous issues, but there is just this one that I can't find any answer to.
    As far as I can tell the problem is as follows: play a video on youtube through Brave, and audio just disappears for a second and comes back, after a while happens again. Also, I think this issue occurs through browser only, but can't be sure about that.

    System info attached. Thx.
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    Last edited by Frogs Hair; April 21st, 2024 at 03:49 PM. Reason: Language Filter

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Lubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish

    Re: Sound disappearance in Brave browser

    Quote Originally Posted by riskfactor2 View Post
    I quite recently transitioned from Windows to Linux and Ubuntu specifically (yay me), because microsoft.
    Anyway, had lots of troubleshooting and solved numerous issues, but there is just this one that I can't find any answer to.
    As far as I can tell the problem is as follows: play a video on youtube through Brave, and audio just disappears for a second and comes back, after a while happens again. Also, I think this issue occurs through browser only, but can't be sure about that.

    System info attached. Thx.
    I had similar issue's when I first transitioned to *buntu.
    Those issue's were caused by numerous things such as background app's, numerous browser tabs/windows open, growing logs, snap's, etc.

    Part of the problem was the *buntu distro (flavour) I was using.
    I had to find the one that was "right" for my hardware while also being "right" for my preference.

    On older hardware, the best distro's tend to be, at least for me, Lubuntu or Xubuntu instead of Ubuntu.
    What is the Best Ubuntu Flavour?
    The info there is somewhat outdated, but the basic's of each are the same today as it was when that thread was created.

    The main solution's are most likely...
    The "Right" Distro
    PC Maintenance
    System Maintenance

    The "learning curve" can be quite steep.

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